Real-World Data
Almost Palindromes »
Write a function that finds words that would be palindromes if one of their letters was removed.
Categories: Computational Knowledge Words and Linguistics
Anagram Words »
An anagram is a word or phrase created by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase. Write a function that takes a word and uses the dictionary to return a list of anagrams.
Categories: Computational Knowledge Words and Linguistics
Antipode above or below Sea Level »
Find whether the antipode of a point on Earth is above sea level.
Categories: Computational Knowledge Geography
Average Elevation »
Write a function to find the average elevation over a specified latitude.
Categories: Computational Knowledge Geography
Capital Cities Near a Latitude »
Write a function that finds the capital city closest to a given latitude.
Categories: Computational Knowledge Geography
Country Chains »
Given two countries, find the length of the shortest chain of bordering countries that connects them.
Categories: Computational Knowledge Geography
Fewest Number of Coins »
Given a list of values for coins, write a function that finds the fewest number of coins needed to add up to a certain value.
Categories: Algorithms Computational Knowledge Mathematics
Friday the 13ths in a Year »
Write a function to determine how many Friday the 13ths happen in a given calendar year.
Categories: Computational Knowledge
How Round Is a Country? »
Write a function to find out how close the map of a country is to being a disk.
Categories: Computational Knowledge Geography
Iterated Roman Numeralization »
Write a function that starts from a number n, finds its representation r in Roman numerals, finds the length of r as a Roman numeral, and continues, stopping just before a number previously in the list comes up again.
Categories: Computational Knowledge Sequences
Most Roman Numerals »
Write a function to find the first integer less than n with the longest representation in Roman numerals.
Categories: Computational Knowledge
Most Weekend Birthdays »
Write a function to find the birth dates for a child born in a given year that maximize the number of weekend birthdays for ages one to 18.
Categories: Computational Knowledge
Palindromic Roman Numerals »
A palindromic Roman numeral is a number whose Roman numeral representation reads the same in either direction. Write a function that returns all numbers (in decimal) up to an integer n that are palindromic in Roman numerals.
Categories: Mathematics People and History Words and Linguistics
Spell with Chemical Elements »
Write a function that takes a string and finds all possible ways to spell it using abbreviations from the periodic table.
Categories: Computational Knowledge Lists